Bang So, Vietnam

Bang So is a place in the region of Hung Yen in Vietnam. Find all facts and information about Bang So.

Facts and figures on Bang So at a glance

Name: Bang So (Bằng Sở)
Status: Place
Region name (Level 2): Huyen Van Giang
Region name (Level 1): Hung Yen
Country: Vietnam
Continent: Asia

Bang So is located in the region of Hung Yen. Hung Yen's capital Hung Yen (Hưng Yên) is approximately 32 km / 20 mi away from Bang So (as the crow flies). The distance from Bang So to Vietnam's capital Hanoi (Hanoi) is approximately 15 km / 9 mi (as the crow flies).

Maybe also interesting: Distances from Bang So to the largest places in Vietnam.

Facts and figures about Bang So
Bang So Bằng SởPlace-Hung Yen Tỉnh Hưng Yên

Map of Bang So

Map of Bang So, Vietnam / View larger map of Bang So

Hotels in Bang So

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Information on Bang So

Information on Bang So
Place nameRegion name Level 2Region name Level 1CountryContinent
Bang So Bằng SởHuyen Van Giang Huyện Văn GiangHung Yen Tỉnh Hưng YênVietnamAsia

Time in Bang So

Time in Bang So
Current timeSummer time (DST)Standard timeCurrent timezone offsetTimezone
Sun, 12 May 2024 - 8:01am (08:01h)NoSun, 12 May 2024 - 8:01am (08:01h)UTC +7.0Asia/Bangkok

Geographic coordinates of Bang So

Latitude & Longitude of Bang So
PositionLatitude (width)Longitude (length)
Show on map20°53'60.0"N (20.9000000°)105°54'00.0"E (105.9000000°)

Distances from Bang So

Distances from Bang So
To equator (0° lat)To prime meridian (0° lon)To the largest places
2,316 km north of the equator10,738 km east of the prime meridianDistances from Bang So

Places around Bang So

20 places found within 5 km around Bang So. You can expand the radius of your search: 10 km15 km
Places in the regional area of Bang So
Ninh Xa Nình Xá-0.0 km 0.0 mishow
Thon Ba Thôn Ba-1.6 km 1.0 mishow
Phu Th Phú Th-1.7 km 1.1 mishow
Phuc Am Phúc Am-1.7 km 1.1 mishow
GJong Phu Liet Đông Phù Liệt-1.9 km 1.2 mishow
Xom Dong Xóm Dong-1.9 km 1.2 mishow
Xom Ngoa Xóm Ngoa-1.9 km 1.2 mishow
Me So Mễ Sở-2.3 km 1.4 mishow
GJong Trach Đông Trạch-2.5 km 1.6 mishow
Xam Kho Xâm Khố-2.5 km 1.6 mishow
Tan Loi Tân Lợi-2.6 km 1.6 mishow
Thon Mot Thôn Một-2.7 km 1.7 mishow
Hoang Trach Hoàng Trạch-3.0 km 1.8 mishow
Thiet Tru Thiết Trụ-3.3 km 2.0 mishow
GJong Thai Đông Thai-3.7 km 2.3 mishow
GJan Kim Đan Kim-3.9 km 2.4 mishow
Tuong Truc Tương Truc-3.9 km 2.4 mishow
Chuong Loc Chương Lộc-4.1 km 2.5 mishow
Phu Coc Phú Cốc-4.1 km 2.5 mishow
Chu Xa Chử Xá-4.6 km 2.8 mishow

Airports around Bang So

No airports found within 15 km around Bang So. You can expand the radius of your search: 50 km100 km

External sources of information on Bang So

Bang So on Wikipedia