Huyen GJien Bien GJong, Vietnam

Huyen GJien Bien GJong is an administrative subregion in Dien Bien in Vietnam with a population of approximately 48,990 people.

Facts and figures on Huyen GJien Bien GJong at a glance

Region name: Huyen GJien Bien GJong (Huyện Điện Biên Đông)
Status: Adminstrative subregion
Population: 48,990 people
Region name (Level 1): Dien Bien Tỉnh Ðiện Biên
Country: Vietnam
Continent: Asia

The regional headquarters of Huyen GJien Bien GJong (Huyện Điện Biên Đông) is located in GJien Bien GJong (Điện Biên Đông). The distance as the crow flies from Huyen GJien Bien GJong's regional headquarters GJien Bien GJong to Vietnam's capital Hanoi (Hanoi) is approximately 274 km (170 mi).

Facts and figures on Huyen GJien Bien GJong
RegionPopulationRegional headquartersPopulation
Huyen GJien Bien GJong Huyện Điện Biên Đông48,990 peopleGJien Bien GJong Điện Biên Đông-

Compare with other regions in Dien Bien.

Map of Huyen GJien Bien GJong

Map of Huyen GJien Bien GJong

Information on Huyen GJien Bien GJong

Information on Huyen GJien Bien GJong
Region nameRegion name Level 1CountryContinent
Huyen GJien Bien GJong Huyện Điện Biên ĐôngDien Bien Tỉnh Ðiện BiênVietnamAsia

Time in Huyen GJien Bien GJong

Time in Huyen GJien Bien GJong
Current timeSummer time (DST)Standard timeCurrent timezone offsetTimezone
Fri, 10 May 2024 - 7:19am (07:19h)NoFri, 10 May 2024 - 7:19am (07:19h)UTC +7.0Asia/Bangkok

Geographic coordinates of Huyen GJien Bien GJong

Latitude & Longitude of Huyen GJien Bien GJong
PositionLatitude (width)Longitude (length)
Show on map21°15'09.6"N (21.2526600°)103°16'08.4"E (103.2690000°)

Subregions in Huyen GJien Bien GJong

There are 10 administrative subregions in Huyen GJien Bien GJong.
Subregions in Huyen GJien Bien GJong
RegionNoPopulationRegional capitalCapital population
Xa Hang Lia Xã Háng Lìa1.---
Xa Keo Lom Xã Keo Lôm2.---
Xa Luan Gioi Xã Luân Giới3.---
Xa Muong Luan Xã Mường Luân4.---
Xa Na Son Xã Na Son5.---
Xa Phi Nhu Xã Phì Nhừ6.---
Xa Phinh Giang Xã Phình Giàng7.---
Xa Pu Hong Xã Pú Hồng8.---
Xa Pu Nhi Xã Pú Nhi9.---
Xa Xa Dung Xã Xa Dung10.---

External sources of information on Huyen GJien Bien GJong

Huyen GJien Bien GJong on Wikipedia